4 Things You Need To Get When Opening A Smoothie Shop
Posted on: 28 December 2019
Wanting to open a smoothie shop and working on creating the list of items you need to have? Before you can prepare some of the most flavorful and healthy smoothies for your customers, you will need to make sure you have certain essentials.
Large Variety of Fruits and Vegetables
When making smoothies, you certainly need to have a large variety of fruits and vegetables available, including fresh spinach leaves, mango, pineapple, raspberries, and more. Work on finding local suppliers that can provide you with the fruits and vegetables that you are going to need to prepare the different types of smoothies on your menu.
Juice Concentrate
Juice concentrate is often put into the blender with the fresh fruit and vegetables to give the smoothies even more flavor. You can find it in a lot of flavors, such as strawberry, orange, lemon, and grape. Because this may be one of the key ingredients added to your smoothies, get in touch with a juice concentrate supplier that can supply you with a bulk of juice concentrate to have in your prep area. When working with a supplier, you can often get far better deals on the juice concentrate, especially if you are willing to buy juice concentrate in bulk.
Industrial Blenders
The traditional blender that you use at home is not powerful enough for commercial use. Invest in industrial blenders that you can use at your smoothie shop. These blenders are often larger and come equipped with a variety of settings, allowing you to adjust the consistency of the smoothing to your customer's liking. Some customers may enjoy thick smoothies while others may prefer thinner smoothies that have a bit more liquid added to them. When you are looking for the right blender, pay attention to the features it comes with and the price tag attached to it to get a great deal on something that will work perfectly.
Extra Add-On Ingredients
Always make sure to get some add-on ingredients that your customers can choose to have added to their smoothies. Some of these ingredients would include chia seeds, turmeric powder, and even nuts. These special ingredients can be added to any of the smoothies you sell to provide more flavor and health benefits.
If you have these four things on your list of the items you need to get before starting your business, you will be ready to open your smoothie shop without hesitation. Start looking for these products and finding suppliers that can offer them to you.